
What is the Capture Action Project (CAP)?
CAP is a group of individuals, corporations, trade associations and charitable foundations dedicated to demystifying CCUS through dialogue on environmental policy and the real role of CCUS technology and

Who funds CAP?
Contributions to support CAP come from its members – individuals, corporations, trade associations and charitable foundations – with the largest number of contributions coming from individuals. CAP does not release its contributor list just as other non-profits like Sierra Club and NRDC do not.

What is carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS)?
CCUS is a three-part process by which CO2 is separated out from other gases produced during industrial processes, transported, and then either permanently stored underground or re-used in other industrial processes.

How many CCUS projects are in the U.S.?
Today there are 13 commercial-scale carbon capture facilities operation in the U.S., capturing 25 million tons of CO2 .

Are CCUS projects safe?
Yes. The U.S. has nearly a half-century’s commercial experience safely capturing, transporting, using, and storing CO2 at large-scale, with no loss of life or significant environmental incident since projects began in the 1970s.

Are carbon dioxide pipelines safe?
Yes, CO2 pipelines have an excellent safety record. Today, there are 5,150 miles of CO2 pipelines operating safely, efficiently, and effectively in the United States. You can read more about CO2 pipeline safety here.

What are the economic benefits of CCUS?
By driving investment and creating new jobs, the development of the U.S. carbon capture industry is a net positive for our economy and will support a new market of demand for American-made materials.

What are the environmental benefits of CCUS?
CCUS can capture more than 90% of the CO2 emissions from power plants and industrial facilities and is one of the few solutions available that can tackle emissions from heavy industries like fuels and chemical manufacturing and cement and steel production. You can read more about the benefits of CCUS here.

Isn’t CCUS just extending the lifespan of fossil fuels?
Today, the overwhelming majority of our energy consumption is based on fossil energy, with roughly
one-third of that driven by the industrial and commercial sectors. CCUS is a technological solution available right now to address just that. To learn more, check out this blog post.

Where can I learn more?
Right here at CAP. Our resource library houses a variety of third-party studies from government, think tanks, and non-profits. You can also follow us on Twitter.