In honor of the State of the Union, here are five things about carbon capture, utilization, and storage that the new Congress should consider:
- CCUS is critical to global commitments for GHG reductions
Carbon capture utilization and sequestration (CCUS) is one of the few solutions available
today that can tackle emissions from our most carbon intensive industries. By leveraging
carbon capture technologies, we can achieve 14% of the GHG emissions reductions
needed by 2050. Reaching our climate goals requires a concerted global effort. By
demonstrating carbon capture leadership, the U.S. can continue serving as a strong
partner to our allies through energy and technology trade and cooperation as the global
energy landscape evolves.
2. CCUS is safe and effective
CO2 pipelines are a mature technology and have safely been in use for over 50 years.
Additionally, the piloting and demonstration of dedicated storage has been occurring
since the 1990s. Dedicated storage also builds on 50 years of lessons learned from CO2
enhanced oil recovery and over 150 years of subsurface activity by the oil and gas sector.
3. CCUS has bipartisan support
The Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden Administrations all identified carbon capture as a
useful and necessary means of helping the United States reduce its CO2 emissions without
sacrificing our economy. In fact, despite how dramatically our energy landscape has
changed in the last 15 years, carbon capture has consistently been identified by our energy
leaders as a solution that protects our energy interests while still addressing our
environmental needs.
4. CCUS is vital for the green energy transition
The U.S. energy industry is a huge economic engine, and traditional energy represents its
driving force. As we transition to a low- and zero-carbon future, it’s crucial that
employment and investment keep pace. The Department of Energy estimates that a
domestic carbon capture market will create hundreds of thousands of direct jobs and
nearly 2 million indirect jobs, all of which are reliable, high-paying positions in a desirable,
sustainable sector. For states where these technologies are being leveraged, CCUS signifies
billions of dollars of new investment.
5. CCUS is essential for meeting consumer demand
Consumer choice is driven by a diversity of affordable and reliable energy sources. By
decarbonizing traditional energy production, carbon capture can play a meaningful role
in ensuring that consumers continue to have options for their fuel and power needs as we
continue our transition to a low-carbon economy.
View CAP’s one-pager HERE.